On the occasion of the solemn anniversary of the Slovenian-Argentine Chamber of Commerce (SLOAR), an agreement on the cooperation of two Slovenian chambers of commerce operating abroad SLOAR and SLOBRAZ was also signed. The agreement was signed by the presidents ob both chambers: Martin Križ (SLOAR) and Matjaž Cokan (SLOBRAZ).

Apart from the agreements between the chambers in the Slovenia's neighbouring countries, this is the first agreement of its kind in the wider diaspora and SGBN is a strong supporter of this initiative and hopes for many more. Slovenian business institutions outside and in Slovenia should work hand in hand and not see each other as a competition. Only together we Slovenians can be a strong player on the global economic market.
An event was also an opportunity to talk about the benefits of integrating businesspeople into associations, foundations and non-profit chambers and also about family succession in business.

On the occasion, the Slovenians also thanked the Slovenian ambassador to Argentina, Mr. Alain Brian Bergant, for the great job he has done in the years of his posting.

The ceremonial took place in the Slovenian home Slomškov dom in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where many Slovenian businessmen from Argentina and Brazil gathered.