The workshop "Where will we Carinthian Slovenians be in 2034?" was held in Tinje, Slovenia, where various Slovenian organisations and associations from Carinthia met and discussed the current situation of Carinthian Slovenians and defined important measures for the preservation of cultural heritage and the Slovenian language in Carinthia in more detail.

Among those present was Daniel Gallob, who represented the Slovenian Economic Association in Klagenfurt, Austria (SGZ). According to him, it is crucial that organisations, associations, clubs or institutions from different industries and fields connect and cooperate. "We all have the same goal: the existence of our Slovenian nation in Carinthia. Since there are fewer and fewer of us, I am convinced closer and more active cooperation will be indispensable. I believe that our national community has enormous potential, whether in the fields of sports, economy, religion or culture... Together, we can achieve a lot, and I am already looking forward to the future development of the Slovenian community in Carinthia!"
Source: SGZ