Last week, the presentation of the Map of Slovenian companies in Brazil took place in São Paulo, Brazil. At the presentation on the premises of FIESP, the most important business organisation in São Paulo, in addition to Slovenian Foreign Minister Tanja Fajon, the presidents and vice-presidents of the two largest Slovenian chambers of commerce in South America, SLOBRAZ and SLOAR, as well as established businessmen and entrepreneurs of Slovenian origin, were present.

The project is an initiative of SGBN, and it was supported by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs through the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Brasilia.

Please find below the Minister Tanja Fajon's speech at FIESP:

Mr Francesconi Junior,
Mr Hlebanja,
Mr Križ,
Dr Šalej,
esteemed members of both chambers, ladies and gentlemen, dear guests,

It is a pleasure to visit today the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo, one of the most prominent business facilities of Brazil. FIESP has - since independence of Slovenia - been one of the most active institutions to promote economic relations between our countries.

I am also pleased to note that many of you are of Slovenian origin, who have cultivated the ties with your homeland in other areas of your social life, as well.
Please allow me to thank Dr Šalej for his outstanding contribution in promoting the ties between business communities. I am very pleased that you were ready to host our meeting today, which is inaugurating a further link to facilitate cooperation between enterprises in Brazil, Argentina and Slovenia.
I am delighted to have the opportunity to address both business clubs simultaneously, representing Brazil and also Argentina. The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs pays special attention to economic diplomacy and will continue to do so.

I arrived in Brazil yesterday for an official visit and yesterday I had the honour of being warmly welcomed by Minister Mauro Vieira. Subsequently, we engaged in productive discussions between our delegations and formalized our commitments through the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on tourism and Agreement on aviation. Later that day, I had the privilege of visiting Congress where I engaged with
members of the Congressional Friendship Group in the making. I am grateful for all these opportunities, which I believe will significantly contribute to strengthening relations between our two countries.
Brazil is one of the world's largest and fastest growing economies and Slovenia considers Brazil as its key partner in Latin America with positive and growing trade. The economic relations are strengthening as new opportunities are discovered through the work of Slovenian-Brazilian Joint Commission. I am very pleased about the outcome of the latest Commission's (online) mid-term review that took place in June. Our countries identified common interest and made proposals for further cooperation.
I would especially like to highlight the area of digitalisation and artificial intelligence, where cooperation is already taking place between Slovenian International Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI) and Brazilian scientists, area of defence, renewables, tourism, water management and the wish to enhance the links through Port of Koper.
We are actively working to ensure that the next session of the Commission will be held in Slovenia. We warmly invite Brazilian partners and companies to join us, as we also plan to organise a business forum
on this occasion.
Since its establishment almost a decade ago, SLOBRAZ has served as an indispensable bridge between the two countries. Over the years, our bilateral trade in goods has also increased (except during the pandemic) and the number of Slovenian companies doing business with Brazil is growing. Several large investments have been made and we hope that the volume of investment will continue to grow also in the future. With major geopolitical shifts in recent years, the power of Brazil and its huge market has only increased. I firmly believe that your chamber will continue to play an important role in helping Slovenian companies to become better acquainted with the opportunities offered here, and to penetrate this rather challenging market.
I am pleased to note the recent establishment of the Slovenian-Argentinian Chamber of Commerce (SLOAR), which will undoubtedly help to strengthen ties between companies (including those owned by Slovenians) in Argentina and Slovenia. After all, more than 30,000 Slovenians live in Argentina, making this Slovenian community one of the largest Slovenian diasporas in the world, which creates a very
special bond between our countries. Argentina is also an important Latin American economic power and market that offers many opportunities for Slovenian companies and our bilateral trade has also been increasing over the years. Interestingly, Slovenian direct investment in Argentina is also growing. Although its total value is relatively small compared to some of Slovenia's main economic partners, it has been growing steadily since 2017 and in just five years it has increased tenfold from the baseline (€13 million), which is a welcome trend.
I should also mention that through their activities, the two chambers also facilitate the internationalisation of the Slovenian economy through their membership of Eurocamaras, the representative umbrella organisation for European companies in Latin America.
Why am I saying all this? Well, I really want to emphasise the crucial role that both chambers play in helping Slovenian companies penetrate their respective countries: they understand the local legislation and can offer practical insights and tips on how to establish concrete business relationships. In addition to the economic benefits, the two chambers serve a broader mission of strengthening the cultural and
social ties between our countries. Good business cooperation is often the first step towards better mutual understanding and respect for different cultures. In doing so, we build bridges between nations, and the strengthened business ties naturally contribute to the economic strength and stability of countries and businesses, and ultimately also to our expat communities around the world.
I commend your good and regular cooperation with the Slovenian embassies in Brasilia and Buenos Aires. As part of their economic diplomacy tasks, both embassies support and maintain regular contacts with the chambers and the business community in both countries, also by regularly including them in the visit programmes of Slovenian government representatives. This is indeed highly appreciated. Beside other financial resources from Slovenia, I am pleased to note that the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs is also able to provide financial support to the chambers in the organisation of business events
through our Economic Project Fund.
The Ministry appreciates your efforts to strengthen economic cooperation with Slovenia, and we are happy to support projects aimed at integrating Slovenian companies into the Brazilian market and at fostering links with the Brazilian economy and the wider region. Let me mention two such projects: namely the creation of an interactive online map of Slovenia-related companies, and the establishment and regular updating of the content of the Slovenian Global Business Network.
I strongly support such forms of networking between Slovenian companies, and my gratitude goes to to the initiator of both projects and Honorary President of SLOBRAZ, Dr Štefan Bogdan Barenboim Šalej.
I am sure that the business community itself is also interested in continuing these forms of promoting economic cooperation between Slovenia, Brazil and Argentina. I also invite the representatives of SLOAR to work with our Embassy in Buenos Aires to prepare a project that could be supported by our Fund.

Finally, I would like to emphasise you that the two chambers are the fruit of a joint effort to build a better future. Successful business is the foundation of economic progress and prosperity, and I am confident that both chambers will continue to make a significant contribution to deepening Slovenia's economic presence in Latin America.

Thank you!

In parallel, there was also the signing of an agreement between SLOBRAZ and SLOAR on the launch of a Slovenian Business Map in Argentina, as well as conversation with the minister, which included topics such as connecting Slovenian entrepreneurs at the regional level of the Mercosur market, the role of the economic diaspora, connecting Slovenian businessmen around the world with the economy in Slovenia, and better cooperation with the public agency SPIRIT Slovenia.