This year, 28 representatives from the different parts of the world (Austria, France, Italy, Brazil, Canada, Argentina, Colombia, Netherlands, United States of America, Serbia, South Africa, Tunisia, among others) met online to discussed the future of SGBN, how to improve the cooperation with the government agency SPIRIT Slovenia, and how to cope with digitalisation and new technological challenges.
After the welcome speech by the co-founders of the SGGN, dr. Štefan Bogdan Barenboim Šalej (the complete speech is available here) and ambassador Aljaž Gosnar, the plans for the SGBN's organisational changes were presented by Robert Frandolič and Andrej Šik from SDGZ.

Present at the conference, the representative of the SPIRIT Slovenia, Ms. Andreja Mulec Bohinc, explained the difficulties at the expanding the actual small budget they have to support the Slovenian business clubs around the world and announcing a tender which will be published soon.

Also, the Student's Exchange Project, the improvements and novelties on the SloGlobal platform, and the SLOBRAZ's Slovenian Business Map in Brazil which is about to be expanded to Argentina were presented.

At the end, the presidents and entrepreneurs spoke up their points of view on the current cooperations, collaborations and networking of the Slovenian global business organisations which are getting stronger and stronger every year.